03 December 2010

A holiday trip to the big city

Mom and Pop brought Mercer to the big city today for some holiday sightseeing. We very rarely get to be tourists despite living so close and Mercer has been talking up the "big city" for some time. First on the list was the Rockefeller Christmas tree. It's pretty nice, but a little less so in the day time. Mercer was more impressed with a nearby Lego store.

Next up was world-famous Macy's in Herald Square. It's just like your local Macy's, but with 1 million more people. Still, the store is really impressive and drives up the holiday spirit this time of year. We went all the way up to the 8th floor (wooden escalators!) to Santaland. It was a visual feast of holiday trinkets, animatronic creatures, toy trains, elves, sleighs, toys, candy canes, bells, lights, and pine needles. Everything a 3-year old boy would love. We waited in line to see Santa for about 20 minutes, but never has Mercer been so sated in a line before.

Mercer waits patiently for the group of 15 people before us to execute every possible combination of family member group photograph imaginable...and then.....


Mercer and Santa got on like best friends this year. Mercer lept right on his lap and let Santa know exactly what he wanted for Christmas. Mercer was so happy.

Finally, we stopped off at the New York Transit Museum Annex in Grand Central Station to look at the nice train display they have set up. It was a little on the small side, but fantastic nonetheless. There were subway and Metro-North stops, different kinds of trains, rail workers, fire stations, buildings, mountains, and all kinds of cool stuff.

Mercer slept the entire train ride home, lips stained red from a cupcake treat consumed only 5 minutes prior.

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