16 December 2010

A closer look...

...at this photo:

First of all, look at this kid. How awesome is he? Black jacket with jeans and skull-adorned slip-on sneakers. The bit of red and black checked scarf peeking out makes the entire outfit pop.

But why is Mercer pointing to the ground? Do you really want to know? Well, as soon as we pulled up to the nursery to begin our search for a tree, Mercer told us that he needed to pee. Right away. What he's saying in the photo is this: "I'm going to pee right here on the ground."

A couple of times, Dad has pulled the car to the side of the road to let Mercer do his business in the woods. All these Christmas trees sure looked like a woodsy area, so why not? He loves peeing in the woods. And for split-second, both Mom and Dad considered it...but luckily there was a deli next door with a restroom.

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