28 October 2010

Mercer's Halloween parade at school

Mercer had a Halloween parade at school this morning. Here he is with some classmates, from left to right: Mercer, Dexter, Emma, Shaina, Lee.


All smiles as the kids lined up in the hallway, ready to march.

Not naptime yet, Shaina.

Once it was time to march, Mercer wanted no part of it. He started to cry and hid in a corner. I realized later that he probably wanted Pop to march with him. Still, I took his hand and we did a few laps. Mercer whispered: "I want to go home, Daddy." I told him, "I'm sorry Mercer, but I have to go to work." His reply: "I want to go to work with you, Daddy."

After the parade, the kids made masks, for some reason.

Emma, concentrating hard.

Shaina, too.

Time for cupcakes.

What a cute couple. Mercer and Shaina's Halloween marching goes all the way back to 2008: Happy Halloween 2008

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