21 April 2010

Wake-up call

So Mercer is into dragons these days because we recently took him to see How to Train Your Dragon at the movies. Of course he now has a whole assortment of small toy dragons that he likes to play/do battle with. Dad's dragon, for some reason, is the red dragon. Mercer gets his choice of any of the other 10 dragons he has, but Dad's is always the red one.

The other morning, at 6:30, Dad was trying to get an extra 5 minutes of allergy-riddled sleep when the light flickered on. Little feet were heard climbing the stairs and then there was a big bounce onto the bed.

"Wake up, Daddy. C'mon Daddy. C'mon downstairs. Your dragon is ready. Your red dragon is waiting for you. C'mon."

Mercer always wins the dragon battles. When he gets bored with one, he'll say "I'm done with this dragon," and pick out a new one. Daddy tries to win, but Mercer is one tough little dragon to slay.

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