26 April 2010


One of the cool things about Mercer getting bigger is that we can all now go to any restaurant we like instead of places that only have high chairs. We're still very sensitive about picking a place that is suitable, meaning no ultra-fancy fine dining places just yet. The last thing I want is our 3-year old to ruin someone else's meal/dining experience. We like to pick places where volume won't be an issue. Relaxed decor and a long menu are also helpful. BBQ and Mexican restaurants are usually perfect. When with Pop, pubs and taverns are great.

We're trying to get Mercer to open up to more foods, but it's an uphill battle. He sticks with what he likes, which I can't fault him for. Here's a breakdown of his basic favorites:

Meat: baked chicken, baked pork, turkey, bacon, pulled pork, sausages, hot dogs

Vegetables/grains: corn, peas, carrots, green beans, lima beans, edamame, Special K cereal, pasta (penne, ziti, papparadelle), mac and cheese, pizza

Fruits: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, anything really

Snacks: potato chips, pretzels, goldfish crackers, wheat thins, popcorn

Dairy: mozzarella, milk, ice cream, eggs, butter, chocolate, yogurt

We're probably forgetting something here, but this is a good general idea. Mercer is not too fond of chicken fingers/nuggets, which is amazing since almost every kid is. His favorite meals right now are probably hot dogs with corn or what he ate last night: pasta with butter, peas, bread and butter, mozzarella.

Is it lunch yet?

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