29 April 2010

Mercer visits New York

Mercer and company went to New York last weekend, but this time we took a friend: Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley was sent to us by one of Aunt Becky's students and our assignment was to show Stanley a good time. I think everyone had fun.

First, we all waited at the Ossining train station for our train to arrive.

Then we went on a nice train ride.

We took in the beautiful Grand Central Terminal.

We waited for and rode the number 6 subway train.

We found a park bordered by 1st Ave., 1st street, and Bowery. Mercer and Stanley had a lot of fun playing with the city kids.

We snacked on pretzels at the great Sigmund Pretzelshop on Avenue B.

Then we had lunch at Chat 'n Chew restaurant. Mercer had banana pancakes with bacon.

Everyone was getting sleepy so we had to go home after looking in a few shops. Who doesn't love a trip to the city?

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