03 September 2008

official first words.

mercer has been saying "maaa maa" and "dah daaa" for a long time now, but just recently, he started saying "ahh-pull." when he says it, he is usually pointing to where we keep the apples or eating one. so, mom and pop have decided that "apple" is his first real word since he's saying it on purpose and not just as gibberish.

we're happy that it's something healthy and not "cheetos" or "ice cream," though he does like both of those things. he likes his apples even more.

congratulations, little mercer!

1 comment:

A.K. said...

Hey Bud, good work, I like fuji's myself. I tried to put a comment on the Kodak e-mail, it didn't work, so here it comes. Loved Metal & Mercer & Peek, and thank god you cut his hair, I thought his head was stuck in that train. Sarah Palin named her kids Trak, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig. And we all thought Mercer was different!! ( Not Me ) Work on the enunciating a little, and It's true, You really ARE a genius! Love G.A.K