18 September 2008

lying low.

mercer will be lying low as he visits some family this weekend. there is really so much to keep up with that it's hard to record it in a timely fashion. mercer changes so much every hour. seriously.

mercer has a new friend in a two and a half year old boy next door to us, so that's good. let's see, what else...a little girl bit mercer on the arm this morning at day care because she wanted a toy that he was holding. mercer does need to learn how to share, but good for mercer for not giving in! he's got plenty of time for women to boss him around, so he can keep that toy if he wants it!

have a good weekend...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am not sure day care committed either way, whether it was boy or girl who bit him. they wouldn’t tell us who.