25 September 2008

mercer has conjunctivitis.

...commonly known as pink eye. mom and pop have noticed that mercer's eyes looked a little goopy over the past couple of days. he also had a runny nose, so we figured he had a little head cold. however, yesterday after lunch, mercer began scratching himself all over the place. upon closer inspection, pop found a series of rashes on mercer's arms, legs, and torso. we brought him to the doctor and it turned out that little mercer was running a fever, had pink eye, and was contagious! the rash stemmed from the fever, which is apparently very common in toddlers.

the rash has gone away and mercer seems to be on the mend; his eyes are less goopy and his nose less stuffy. he is still tired and mopey, but will enjoy an occasional dance or two. lots of rest and cuddling is in order, but not too much cuddling because that goopy eye stuff is gross. it gets all over you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

GROSS!! Auntie Meredith has pink eye all the time, its not so bad...