11 August 2008

a simple weekend.

mercer and the gang traveled to new jersey this weekend to check up on some family members. we were also supposed to hang out with jon and meredith, but that never happened. why? well, mercer, like clockwork, got yet another fever on friday afternoon and became very clingy, needy, and somewhat whiny. rather than expose the world to his cranky behavior and germs, we stayed in for most of the weekend and played with rocking horses, tricycles, and radio flyers.

it seems now, however, that mercer is teething. this sometimes brings on fevers, but pop has also read that this is a myth. either way, mercer is leaving a trail of drool behind him wherever he goes. he hasn't eaten much besides corn on the cob for the past 3 days, but this is a phase that mom and pop are well used to.

in better news, mercer is becoming more courteous and respectful. he puts away his books and toys when he is finished, closes doors behind him (and on people, but we'll let that slide), puts caps back on bottles, and hands things he finds on the floor to mom and pop instead of putting them in his mouth. all good things. and...talking shouldn't be that far away now. he is very blabbery recently, saying things perhaps only mom and pop can understand. for example:

UTZ EEESS? (What's this?)

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