15 August 2008





these were the sounds that stirred mom and pop from their slumber last night. apparently, mercer was having some bad dreams. he made these noises as he slept, never awakening, and they were in a lower tone than his normal voice, which made them even more eerie.

after we checked on him to make sure he wasn't morphing into a werewolf, we wondered what kind of dreams he could be having at such a young age. maybe he was stuck in a world where goldfish crackers didn't exist? eek! or a world without balloons? oh no! or in a country that forks over 450+ billion dollars in aid to foreign nations that they are currently bombing when there are suffering people right here in the united states? egad!


born ruffians - little garcon
born ruffians - i need a life

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...or maybe he dreamt that canal street was shutting down "knock off" purse vending for good!