03 August 2008

mercer's first haircut.

mercer had a moppy head of hair until today. our hairdresser, ilda, helped mercer clean up his act! mommy had to hold mercer in place the whole time because there was no way he was sitting still with so much to look at.

mercer doesn't like being restrained and hates not being in control. here, he shows his displeasure.

ilda was quick and crafty with her shears (she has twins!). mommy did a good job holding mercer steady.

almost done!

all done. not so bad, right?

thanks, pop. now i can see where i'm going!


Unknown said...

his new look is adorable! love it.

A.K. said...

What a handsome little devil! That probably says just about all. Love, G.A.K.