06 February 2008

well behaved little boy.

mercer has been doing well the past couple of days. he and pop are having fun while mom is away. mercer has been in day care all week and when pop comes to pick him up, he cries until he's safely secured in pop's arms. very strange. there's not much time to play once at home, though. mercer usually needs a nap as soon as he gets home, then dinner, then bath, then sleep. very rigid. pop tries to squeeze some roughhousing in here and there and mercer loves it. he follows pop around like a little duckling. mercer thinks everything pop does is so exciting and fun, even if it's throwing something in the garbage.

mercer also loves the phone. he has his own toy phone but prefers the real thing; especially when mommy calls. he wants to hold the phone in his hands while mommy is talking on speakerphone. this usually results in hanging up, but that's mercer!

he's been eating his baby food, but we've tried to mix other stuff in there, too. he loves goldfish crackers and can shovel them down at an alarming rate. watching him try to coordinate his hands to his mouth is better than anything on tv. watching him eat a saltine cracker is hilarious. somehow, he knows just how much to bite off! incredible! the cracker is so big in his tiny little mercer-hand!

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