04 February 2008

bleeding gums mercer.

with mercer crawling around all the time, he takes some painful spills. he's bumped his head a few times, gotten a scrape on his chin, and now, he cut his gums! ouch! it happened on friday (2/1), but we think he re-opened his wound this weekend. there's little bits of blood on things that he bites. plus, his upper teeth are coming in, so it's a nasty combination. it doesn't really seem to bother him, though. he is eating normally and teething away at anything he can get his mouth on.

speaking of eating, mercer tried some new foods last night. he ate some chicken noodle soup and bits of prosciutto. he liked both, but really loved the noodles. we added our own tiny bow tie noodles and he was slurping them right up. yum.

mommy is away on business for the next four days, so it's just the boys hanging out. we've already ordered a keg and let the dishes pile up in the sink.

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