11 February 2008

a busy weekend.

mercer saw lots of friends this weekend, old and new. the family held a memorial for grandma in new jersey and lots of people showed up. mercer-sized friends included sydney, hanna, caleb, and jayden, the last two of these being little guys that mercer hadn't even met yet. no matter, because mercer was very well-behaved and enjoyed everyone's company. all of the grown-ups oogled and ahhed at mercer all afternoon. he was in good form. that's not to say the other babies weren't gorgeous as well; they were. it was a great group of kids.

mom, pop, and mercer are back home now, relaxing. mercer had some great new foods tonight. on top of tender chicken with stars baby food, he also tried some of mom and dad's dinner: baked chicken, steamed broccoli, and israeli couscous. mercer enjoyed all of them, but couldn't eat as much as mom and pop would've liked because he was so tired from not napping at day care.

mercer is slumbering away now. pop is thinking about joining him.

sleep tight...

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