04 May 2010

Mercer visits the New York Botanical Garden

Mercer has shown an interest in the blooming flowers around the house this spring, so we thought he might like the New York Botanical Garden. It was a gorgeous day this past Saturday, so we loaded up the car and headed for the Bronx.

Mercer seemed a little indifferent to the whole thing, but we think he enjoyed it. There weren't as many blooming flowers as we had hoped, but there was still plenty to see. Flat Stanley joined us on this trip, too.

There were plenty of rocks to climb on.

It was a bright day. Here, we stopped along the Bronx River to watch people launch their canoes.

A great reaction shot after Mercer saw a giant bumblebee.

In the Conservatory garden with Flat Stanley.

Flat Stanley and the famous Conservatory dome.

It was a great morning and I'm sure we'll visit again.

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