30 May 2010

Animals & Acrobats

Despite nursing a slight fever, Mercer enjoyed a beautiful morning at Van Cortlandt Manor, a local historical landmark. The park was hosting an event called Animals and Acrobats, which is billed as an early-American traveling circus. We were treated to a magic show, olde-fashioned minstrels, jugglers, acrobats, mastodon bones, birds of prey, and a small sampling of interesting animals, including a baby kangaroo, porcupine, wallaby, crocodile, lemur, turtle, and a snake. Mercer got exhausted towards the end and fell asleep in the stroller ride back to the car. He then took a 2+ hour nap at home. As Pop types this, Mercer is chomping on a hot dog with a 100+ degree fever. He's such a good trooper.

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