15 August 2009

Random milestones/information

* can walk up and down stairs
* sleeping in a toddler bed
* drinks out of regular cups (enjoys juice, milk, seltzer, soda, coffee)
* favorite foods include corn, bacon, pasta, pizza, pancakes, ice cream, pork, mushrooms, french fries, grilled cheese, pretzels, chips, crackers, strawberries
* favorite phrases: "Stop it, Daddy," "I'll be right back," "I did it," "Ta-dah," "Mercer do it," "No, Mommy do it," "Thank you, Mommy/Daddy."
* sits in a regular chair to eat
* sleeps with: favorite action figure or matchbox car at the moment, Grover, Grandma's quilt, a pillow, and Daddy's childhood stuffed animals, Monkey and Curious George
* favorite books: Polar Bear Night, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, First Dinosaur Board Book, The Magic Rabbit, Not a Stick, Little Pea
* favorite exercise: climbing steps
* favorite car: bugatti veyron 16.4
* favorite movies: dumbo, the iron giant, robots, chicken run, horton hears a who, finding nemo, the incredibles, bee movie
* when asked if tired, can answer "a little," and lay down on the couch
* runs up the stairs naked after baths to crawl under the covers
* loves water; drinking and playing in it
* can hit you square in the chest like a linebacker
* won't answer the question "who do you love more, Mommy or Daddy?"
* doesn't think golf or figure skating are sports
* loves kiddie thrill rides


Brian said...

• thinks any pick off throw to first should be a ball

Grandpa said...

supports the public option