09 December 2008

one per day.

mercer has gotten to the point where he's learning at least one new word per day, if not many more. it seems as though there's too many words for mercer to handle at once. you can see his wheels spinning as he wants to spit out as much as he can at once, but it all usually comes out as babble. he does manage to string some thoughts together, though. some of his best phrases include:

"what's this?"
"where'd it go?"
"pee pee!"
"let's go"
"night night"

some new words: fish, breeze, cat, juice, milk, brobee, please, thank you, help, goal, elmo

he can also make a few animal sounds: moo, sssssss (snake), ribbit, hwouck hwouck (pig snort), raawwrr!

he can say almost any short word at least once right after you say it, but his memory is pretty fleeting at this point. still, he's doing pretty well for a boy occupied with trying to destroy himself and his surroundings.

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