23 December 2008

happy holidays.

it's been a busy couple of weeks here at mercer hq. we've been finishing up some last minute shopping, preparing the christmas goose, visiting friends in faraway lands, and getting colds. mercer has been a good lad this year, so pop thinks santa will be kind. they speak often (so there are no duplicating of gifts) and santa was especially proud of mercer for a few reasons. this year, mercer has:

* gotten through two emergency room visits for severe fever
* learned how to form questions using speech ("what's this?" "what does this do?" "where'd it go?")
* improved his kicking skills and ability to say "goal!!"
* cast a spell on the phillies that made them world series champions
* learned how to play well with others in school, getting an older toddler girl to retrieve his coat for him at the end of the day
* started to learn how to jump
* gotten mistaken for a 3-year old
* increased his vocabulary (cat, fishes, hat, shoes, etc.)
* danced like crazy
* drummed like crazy
* developed a liking for trains ("choo-choo's")
* learned how to turn on the chirstmas lights
* driven daddy to work when daddy is too tired
* learned how to brush his teeth, wash his hands, tell people when he has gone to the bathroom in his diaper (yum)
* behaved himself in the big city
* been mistaken for a girl about once a week (what's wrong with a pink polo?)
* survived a cat claw slash attack (thanks, cooper!)
* gotten his first (and second) haircut; also got an unofficial haircut by the geniuses at day care - well done!
* mimiced a waiter who was sneezing at a diner
* learned how to run with pace
* developed a favorite side dish in mushrooms with soy sauce
* learned how to get mommy to do anything he wants while acting totally different when she's not around
* and many more!

happy holidays to all of our faithful reader(s) out there. we'll be pretty quiet from here on out due to all of the celebrations. there might just be a christmas update because, honestly, what's cuter than mercer in his christmas pj's?

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