01 November 2008

mercer jumped out of his crib yesterday.

yesterday, mercer was having fits while mom was trying to put him in his crib for an afternoon nap. he's been really clingy with mom lately and he was screaming. as soon as mom got downstairs she heard a loud "thud" and the pitter patter of tiny mercer feet. mom rushed up the stairs to meet mercer before he thought about taking them on himself. he greeted mom with some jibber jabber baby talk and all was fine.

we think he was just so upset about mom leaving that he lept up and out. he never thinks about trying to jump during the night or when he's not super clingy. hopefully, he'll go back to his normal napping ways from now on. his nap schedule has been very erratic recently. he's gone down to one nap from two during the day, which is fine, but day care always messes this up.

we'll keep you posted.

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