last thursday, our friend tracey was kind enough to give us last minute jack o'lantern blaze tickets, which were hard to come by this year. in the 4 or 5 years the event has been staged, it's become quite popular. basically, it's thousands of hand-carved pumpkins (or plastic pumpkins - we're not sure. some of them look like plastic.) on display and lit up at night. spooky music is played, apple cider is served, and fun is had.
mercer was extremely tired when we showed up, but we've been training him to stay up a little later so he can get used to the daylight savings shenanigans. he wasn't happy when we were stuck in lines or logjams, but he loved looking at all the nighttime pumpkins. he doesn't mind sitting in the baby carrier on daddy's back as long as there are skeletons, goblins, and gremlins to look at. spooky!
update on mercer's trick or treating extravaganza coming soon...
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