18 July 2008

summer vacation: part 2

well, this is anticlimactic, isn't it? sorry for the long delay, but as you've read, mercer got a little pneumonia so taking care of him actually took precedence over updating the blog! in brief:

wednesday, june 25: honestly, pop can't remember what happened on wednesday. how sad! the weather probably wasn't very cooperative so we visited some nearby towns like wickford and wakefield; very nice!

thursday, june 26: thursday turned out to be a beautiful day. we headed to the beach as soon as we could. mom and pop tried a new strategy that would keep mercer a little further away from the water so he could play in the sand for a little while. and guess what? that's right...it didn't work. mercer was drawn to the water like a baby turtle. he ran towards it every chance he got. eventually, we managed to calm him down and splash about in the surf. we also tried to build a sandcastle, but it wound up looking more like a mound of sand. mercer also flirted with every girl on the beach! what a hound!

friday, june 27: sadly, our trip was coming to an end. before departing, however, we stopped by a U-Pick farm to gather some strawberries for mom (her favorite!). mercer had great fun with this, squatting down and grabbing any plump berry he could find. the farm also had some animals to look at: chickens, roosters, and lots of goats. mercer loved pointing and poking at all of the creatures. he even found a friendly cat that enjoyed mercer's jarring and hearty strokes.

sorry for the brevity, but it's probably best we wrapped this up now!

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