21 July 2008

clap your hands say yeah.

ever since mercer could sit up in a car seat, high chair, or anything on his own, pop has employed a special way of getting mercer's attention to let him know that it's time to get up and moving. pop would clap and then simply extend his hands and arms out so mercer could jump right in. it took awhile for mercer to get used to this, but guess what mercer does now? he claps and puts his hands out when he's ready to get up! this is an interesting milestone to pop because not only is he mimicking (which he's been doing for a few months), but he's initiating the action, which is very exciting. and scary. so far, he only claps when he wants out of his stroller (all of the time) or high chair, but its a lot of fun to open this new line of communication. of course, mercer doesn't always get his way. that would be dangerous and silly on mom and pop's part.


clap your hands say yeah - upon this tidal wave of young blood

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