18 January 2011

NMR: A day off

Mercer had school yesterday but Mom and Dad's offices were closed for the holiday. We decided to go out and see an early movie, Blue Valentine. The acting by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams was fantastic, though some of the plot was a little thin. Overall, a really good movie.

After the movie, we had a late lunch at Tarry Tavern in Tarrytown. Porcini ravioli for Dad and crab mac and cheese for Mom. Very good stuff. Then we had to do some food shopping and before you know it, Mercer was home from school. Mercer and Dad played "Superheroes" which is basically lots and lots of roughhousing, horseplay, and shenanigans. Dad made turkey chili for dinner but we were still too full from lunch. Mercer had hot dogs and later on, Dad had cereal and Mom some toast. Exciting!

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