27 January 2011

Kid Art

Interesting article in the Times today discussing the art children bring home from school:

After careful consideration, Jessica Hanff has found the ideal spot for the art that her 4-year-old daughter, Elisabeth, brings home from preschool: the trash can.

The piece takes a look at the different types of parents (hoarders and curators), how important it is to keep kid art, and what the process of drawing actually means to children.

Mom and Pop fall into the category of keeping only the "best" of Mercer's illustrations. We think everything he does is great, but there's only so much room. Mercer doesn't even make all that many drawings and we're still swimming in them. We keep the best stuff in a box and toss the rest. This has been on our refridgerator since Mercer brought it home in 2008; I love looking at it every day:

Mercer knows it's his, and him seeing it everyday in a prominent spot reinforces the idea that we think his hard work is important to us. Or not. But he does know that behind the door showcasing his artwork there are Super Hero ice cream pops to be eaten.

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