19 August 2008

making strides against breast cancer.

mom and pop would like to take a moment of your time to talk more seriously than we normally do here.

earlier this year, mercer lost his grandma, andrea, to breast cancer. in andrea’s honor, mom and pop have decided to help the cause by walking in the point pleasant beach, new jersey making strides against breast cancer event on october 19, 2008. the event is conducted each year by the american cancer society in thousands of communities across the country. andrea and mercer participated in this event last october.

if you would be interested in helping us out with a donation, simply click on the american cancer society graphic along the right side of the page and you will be led through a series of simple steps. mom, pop, and mercer are very grateful for any support we receive and with your help, we’ll reach our goal of $2,500.

wary of donating money online? that’s fine. just click here to print out a donation form that you can send through the mail.

find out more information about the event, or donate, by clicking here.

mom and pop will be posting updates, reminders, photos, and other bits of information in the coming weeks. if you have any questions, please email mom (jill): jill.leonowicz@cancer.org

thanks so much for your support.


Grandpa said...

Thank You.

Unknown said...

Myself, Meredith and Odie will be there to walk with ya.