24 August 2008


last wednesday evening, pop taught mercer how to dribble a small soccer ball with is feet. mercer sees a lot of soccer on tv and watches pop use his feet to kick stuff (toys, balls, toy balls, etc.) around all the time. so, to practice, pop held mercer's arms up and let him run along with a little soccer ball at his feet. he would dribble it along for a few feet and then lose interest and/or try to pick the ball up. pop would correct him and tell him to try and use his feet instead. mercer kept practicing.

eventually, mercer began to understand and now he only picks up his toy balls when retrieving them from hard to reach places so he can throw them in front of his feet for dribbling! he seeks out his balls (we have a few - big plush soccer balls, small plastic toy balls, a leather trainer soccer ball, etc.) and dribbles them on his own which is probably the cutest thing in the world.

next up are the goal celebrations...

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