02 November 2007

mercer the sandwich maker.

so, most of you think that mercer will at least grow up to be a fine sandwich maker. maybe he'll create the best sandwich ever made in the History of Sandwich Making, or maybe he'll open up his own chain of sandwich stores. or, maybe-and this would be great-he'll be able to make a mean cuban sandwich for his old man when he grows up. that would make me happy.

the rest of you thought he would be an outlaw and/or soccer player. maybe he'll be some kind of outlaw soccer player, creating havoc wherever he plays. anyway, stay tuned for the next poll, which should be just as fun.

mercer and mom are preparing for a visit from our friend caroline, who is making the big trip up from the city of brotherly battery-throwing, philadelphia. we're not sure what's planned yet, but it will surely involve lots of ooohing and ahhhing. mercer loves new faces. he also loves sitting up! he's doing this more and more without our help. how exciting and weird to think that he couldn't hold his head up just a few months ago.

have a good weekend and sleep tight.

spoon - "monkey feelings"

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