04 November 2007

all natural.

another busy weekend for the big boy. our friend caroline came up from philadelphia and mercer had fun showing off all of his new skills and being cute. he developed a slight case of congestion/sniffles again on saturday night, but it's nothing too major. he's eating, smiling, and playing just as he normally would.

mommy made her first batch of homemade baby food tonight. applesauce was first and we don't know if he liked that too much. he doesn't really like fruit anyway, so we're not too surprised. we'll adjust the recipe and try again. but he did like the batch of sweet potatoes mommy whipped up. he ate most of what mommy offered, but started to gag a little bit and was whining for his formula bottle after awhile. it was a promising first attempt. bananas and green beans are next!

we're putting mercer to sleep a little earlier tonight because of the whole daylight savings thing. it's really quarter to nine now, but it's not - it's quarter to eight. whatever, i think mercer will be fine. mommy is reading him his favorite book: little pea.

white rabbits: "the plot"

sleep tight...

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