01 August 2010

A vist with Nicole, Justin, and Niko.

Our friends Nicole and Justin, along with their seriously cute son, Niko, were kind enough to let us invade their wonderful home this weekend for a visit. Before that could happen though, Mercer had us stop by the side of Route 78 in Pennsylvania to relieve himself. When you gotta go, you gotta go. I doubt Mercer will be happy with us over this photo when he gets to high school, but he'll appreciate it when he's in college. We hope.

It took a little while for Mercer and Niko to get fully used to each other, but they shared a common goal of agitating their parents, so they were fine. We had an amazing BBQ feast on Friday night, complete with burgers, venison, corn on the cob, fruit salad, french fries, and hot dogs. This was promptly followed by a trip to Rita's for ices and frozen custard and then a bath.

The next day, we decided to go to Chocolate World in Hershey and then Zoo America. Photography wasn't really allowed in Chocolate World, but we got to see a cool 3D movie where we got tickled by spiders, blasted by wet spider guts, and brainwashed into thinking chocolate was appropriate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We also took the "factory" tour, where Mercer was afraid we were on our way to becoming chocolate bars.

Unfortunately, Mercer developed a slight fever in the gift shop and became exhausted. We skipped the zoo and headed back to the house after picking up some pizza.

Mercer rebounded and we all went to the very cool Appalachian Brewing Company in Harrisburg for dinner. Pop sampled a few delicious brews and we all ate very well, despite some spotty service. Pop even hosted some foot races near the entrance after we finished up.

The next morning we lazily watched cartoons and Mercer gave Niko a nice back massage with his feet. Mercer had a few toy sharing issues, but he's always been stubborn about that. He needs work. Niko was so accommodating (and cute) about the whole thing.

All in all, a very nice trip. We can't wait to go back.

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