28 June 2010

Polo on Governors Island

Governors Island is a fantastic day trip destination located smack in the middle of New York harbor. Only 800 yards from the southern tip of Manhattan, the island served as a military base since 1794. It was also part of the coastal defenses that made England think twice about attacking the city during the War of 1812. It remained an important base until 1966, when it transferred over to the Coast Guard. They left in 1996 and today, it is open for people visit.

It's free to visit the island and there is plenty to explore. The views are amazing; one can take in views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, New Jersey, the Statue of Liberty, and all sorts of bridges and water traffic. Along with food carts and playgrounds, there are arts, crafts, bike rentals, museum exhibits, and plenty of historical buildings to tour, including Fort Jay, which dates back to 1794. It's somewhat eerie to be surrounded by scores of vacated buildings while pushing your kid back and forth on a swingset, but it's all part of the experience. Big plans are in store for the island, though, and it won't look the way it does now for long.

Mom and Pop have been wanting to visit for awhile, but what drew us this weekend was the chance to see some free polo, because how often does that happen? Plus, Prince Harry was there. No brainer! Turns out the island hosts tons of great events throughout the summer.

Too cool for school. On the way to the island.

Soisson's Landing.

Old barracks.

Mercer gets a dirty water dog.

Old living quarters reminded Pop of college.

Some vacant buildings are used for artists' studios and installations. Mercer helped this piece become worth looking at.

Fort Jay.

Polo time.

But first, some more great views. Here is the southern tip of Manhattan.

The Statue of Liberty and the Staten Island Ferry.

The Polo proved to be pretty boring, but I think the 93 degree heat had something to do with that.

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