Unpredictably, one of Mercer's favorite stuffed animals (or in this case, "creatures") is a character named Flat Eric. Mom and Pop bought him in Boston many years ago when they lived in Rhode Island. Pop became aware of Eric via a video on the Internet by the artist Mr. Oizo advertising Levi's jeans.
Eric made the subsequent moves with Mom and Pop to New Jersey and finally New York and now exists solely for Mercer's pleasure. He's the only character we have that Mercer calls by name (the rest are just "Monkey," "Bear," etc., even if they do have real names) and he likes to include Eric on story time, play time, and this morning, putting-on-the-shoes time. Mommy put Mercer's old black Converse shoes on Eric and Mercer proceeded to hold Eric in the car so he could show everyone at school Eric's new shoes. Eric isn't a big pop culture character, so nobody knew what Mercer was holding, but it was still cute. If Mercer comes home today with Eric's shoes still on, we'll try to snap a picture of it.
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