10 September 2009

Talking and understanding

Mercer is really beginning to express himself with a much broader vocabulary and range of expressions. It's amazing how fast it's happened. One night, he pulled out a bunch of picture books and started naming everything and asking Mom and Dad about things he couldn't recognize. He's counting like crazy and coming up with some great expressions.

"Don't push, Mommy."
"No 'Shut up,' Mommy. Time out!"

Last night, after dinner, we asked Mercer if he wanted to go for a walk (we usually walk to Starbucks for chocolate milk and cookies), and immediately, Mercer said, "Coffee! Mommy coffee, Daddy coffee, Mercer coffee too!"

His imagination is really blossoming, too. He plays endlessly with his Batman figure, Matchbox Cars, and Superman figure. Sometimes they fight, sometimes they fly together, and sometimes they all just talk:

"Hi, Batman. What are you doing?"
"I'm blue!"

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