06 June 2009

Wild things

Mercer is way too young to bring to a movie theater, which is a shame, because he absolutely loves the trailer for "Where the Wild Things Are." Honestly, so did I. It looks like an amazing movie with a good cast (Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini, Catherine Keener, Catherine O'Hara). I've read that the plot bottoms out towards the end, but hey, it's based on a really short children's book. I'll take what I can get.

Thank goodness they seemingly decided to put equal budget towards detailed costumes and richly textured set design along with special effects. Mercer has been begging to watch it over and over again by saying "More monsters? More? Monsters?" Of course, that's Pop's fault for showing it to him in the first place!

This might be a case of taking a trip down to Chinatown for a DVD bootleg. The movie is scheduled for release in October 2009.

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