when mercer was a small baby, pop thought up all kinds of ideas to turn into t-shirts for the new guy. thanks to sites like
cafepress.com, it's become pretty easy to make yourself a custom shirt (or Onesie) in any size, type, or color. unfortunately, they can be kinda costly; especially when an infant outgrows stuff in a week's time. pop only turned a few designs into actual shirts. here they are, including a few that never got printed.
mercer has his own football club. here is his crest.
mercer's name is even-steven with 6 big block letters.
click on the image and you'll see that the turtle is saying "mercer!" this is probably pop's favorite design. mom likes turtles and we all like mercers, so what's not to love?
a play on the many alphabet flashcards we saw in toy stores ("a" is for apple, etc.).
just an ornamental letter. mercer looked pretty cool in this.
we never got to print this design, but it comes from a song daddy used to sing to mercer after his bath: "who is so fresh? who is so fresh? daddy, I am fresh. it is ME who is fresh." I guess you had to be there.
just kind of cute, I guess.
mercer still loves cars and trucks.
who doesn't like a cute penguin?
for obvious reasons.
love this one, but also never got printed. mercer's crying as an infant was always more like a "laaaaa! laaaaaa! laaaaaaaaaa!" than a "waaahhhhhh! waaaaaaah!" we always referred to it as "the mercer la."