01 February 2009

mercer gets a haircut, goes to the city; it's a weekend update.

Mercer Gets a Haircut. from mercer jackson on Vimeo.

mercer got his third haircut on saturday and was very well behaved. he didn't even need to sit on mommy's lap this time. good job, little guy! too bad we only had a blackberry to capture the excitement.

today, we went to the city and had some delicious pecorino bread, zucchini pizza, and mushroom pizza for lunch at sullivan street bakery. what an amazing bakery. we also got a loaf of crusty bread to eat with dinner next week. then we walked around NYU and played at the playground (and had a meltdown) at washington square park. after getting some cookies at the odd out of the kitchen shop/restaurant, we headed home to pick up some calzones for the super bowl, which is as boring as watching grass grow.

oh, and mercer may have eaten the most disgusting dinner ever on saturday night: pancakes, corn, and carrots. this was on a night when mom and pop had a very delicious dinner: strip steak, broccoli rabe, sour cream mashed potatoes, and mushrooms with butter and red wine. yum.

sleep tight...

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