08 January 2009

he who refuses to be woken.

before mercer was put to bed tonight, pop hooked up an old stereo system and speakers in our bedroom (which also acts as mercer's bedroom and our computer room, just to give you some context). we popped in a CD and the speakers/stereo worked great. they were loud, mercer danced and giggled, he got tired. we turned the stereo off and prepared mercer for bed.

hours go by. it is now 10:15. pop has been washing dishes in the kitchen for about 20 minutes but the whole time he has been hearing music coming from what he thinks is the downstairs neighbors. mom is on the phone in the living room. she hears the music too, but it's faint, so she thinks pop turned it on in the kitchen to listen to while dish washing.

suddenly, mom realizes the music isn't coming from downstairs. it's coming from upstairs! from the bedroom! where mercer is! pop opens the door and yes, there are short, skipping bursts of loud dance music pulsating throughout the bedroom. something is obviously wrong with the stereo/cd player. pop rushes upstairs to unplug the speakers in the dark. once the sound cuts out, pop expects to hear the familiar whine of a freshly woken baby. instead, he hears the same soothing white noise emanating from the boom box we use to put mercer to sleep every night. mercer was still asleep. 30 minutes of loud, skipping instrumental dance music had not stirred him one bit. upon further review, pop found that the little guy was in his normal sleeping position: on his belly, hands tucked underneath, butt in the air.

amazing. not to blame it on anyone but us, the parents, but mercer was fiddling with the stereo controls quite a bit while we were up there before bedtime. perhaps he hit an alarm button? perhaps. still, that's one tired toddler.

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