13 June 2008

off to grandpa's house!

we're visiting grandpa this weekend where mercer will hopefully get his first taste of a (kid) pool. sure, he's been in the tub plenty of times, but a pool is quite different. mom and pop think he'll either hate it or he'll cry because he won't want to get out.

mercer has been getting back to normal with his eating habits. he went from eating nothing but milk to eating anything on his plate. we've even started to get rid of a milk feeding because he's eating so much regular food. tonight, he ate a chicken tender, carrots, green beans, peas, saltines, ice cream, banana and strawberry pieces, and blueberry juice. in fact, here's a video showing mercer eating his saltine after he had cleaned most of his plate! boring? cute?

other than that, mom and pop are just trying to keep up with mercer's boundless energy and play with him as much as we're physically able. he gets his hands on stuff you would never even think about.


chamberlain - "manhattan's iron horses"

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