06 April 2008

meats and cheeses.

there's lots going on as we approach mercer's first birthday. mercer is motoring around on his feet with reckless abandon. he gets a running start and then it's only a matter of time before he crashes to the ground. poor guy has hit the same spot on his forehead a bunch of times this past weekend; once at a restaurant (table corner) and a couple more times at home on the coffee table. mercer is a good sport, though. he cries and then gets back to work.

mercer stole the attention at a party this past saturday night with all the women clamoring for dancing time with our little man. it was a late night, but mercer was very well behaved for the most part. he was very curious of all of the place settings and food at the restaurant, but that's to be expected.

mercer has a touch of sickness currently, sniffling and coughing here and there, but overall, he's in great spirits. mom and pop have had trouble feeding him dinner recently, but it's probably because mercer's attention span is so short. he's sick of baby food and only eats what he wants when he wants. we've offered him everything under the sun, but he refuses a lot of food. that said, he's recently had/tried: tomato sauce, chicken francese, garlic mashed potatoes, sausage, dinner rolls, all kinds of noodles, seltzer, diet coke, sour cream, yogurt (loves this!), pretzel sticks, an apple, and probably some other things pop can't think of. let's hope he tries some cake for his birthday!

sleep tight...

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