05 March 2011

Mercer had a camera for 2 days

Mercer was sick this week and stayed home from school a couple of days. Pop thought that this was a fine time to give Mercer an old digital camera they weren't using anymore and see what happened. Pop taught him all the basic functions, including how to put it away when you're finished using it. Unfortunately, Mercer dropped the camera right on it's lens and the device is now kaput. Still, Mercer was prolific during his reign. Here are some of the best shots. It's really interesting to see the shots kids take when you leave them alone, which many of these are. Above, "Self-portrat #1, with Daddy's Glasses."

"The big bear"

"Downtown San Francisco with tissue box"


"Self-portrait #2"

"View from the sick couch; laying down to watch TV"

"Self-portrait #3"

"Our steps"

"Self-portrait #4 (in car)"

"View from the backseat"

"Water in a blue cup"

"Telephone wires outside our window"

"Toy box"

"Strawberries in a green bowl"

"Spongebob's teeth"

"Self-portrait #5 (with Twizzler)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job Mercer! I especially love "Sponge Bob's teeth" and "Self Portrait with twizzler" : )