22 June 2009


Mercer is learning how to catch, kick, and throw with ever-increasing accuracy these days. Over the weekend, Mercer and Dad played catch with a beach ball and then a baseball and glove. Mercer's method of using a baseball glove involves catching the ball underhand and then scooting the glove upwards really fast so that the ball flies out. It's not very accurate, as you could imagine. Dad is trying to teach Mercer to pick the ball out of his glove and throw it with his bare hand, but the technique seems lost on him. It's a shame, too, because Mercer has a great right arm from what we can tell. Without the glove, Mercer can throw just fine; he's accurate and fast.

Mercer prefers to throw and catch, but if the mood strikes him (or if soccer is on TV, which is 80% of the time), he'll have a kick-around, as well. We bought Mercer a small soccer ball awhile ago, but I think he prefers something closer to normal size. What's hilarious is that he'll "trap" the ball and if it's not exactly in the right spot to kick it back, he'll bend over and adjust it until it is...kind of like placekicking. We've taught Mercer how to celebrate a goal, so he's really halfway there.

To be honest, play time with Mercer (or any kid) can get dull for an adult after awhile, but catch is something Pop could do all day long if he could.

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