17 January 2008


as you all know, mercer has been waking up in the early morning to stand in his crib, stare at us, and whine until we wake up. it's not as fun as it sounds, so we decided to give him his own "room." pop hung a nice, thick curtain in between mom and pop's crib and mercer's crib. it's been two days and so far, so good. mercer has woken up, but he has yet to whine or climb to his feet (not that we know, anyway). he coughs, wakes up, and then goes right back to sleep like he used to. he sees a big blue thing where mom and pop used to be and he stays put. good boy. we'll see how long this lasts and what the long term effects will be, but for right now it's good to get more than 5 hours of sleep.

school of language - "rockist, part 4"

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