28 September 2007


it took us a while to start calling mercer by his given name. we don't know why. that's just the way it happened. we called him "baby" for the good part of two months. then we finally started calling him "mercer" after that. however, he's been given a slew of nicknames by his silly and smothering parents. here is a sampling of nicknames mercer has had to endure up until now:

mercer box, chief roundface, cuddler, beanbee, dumpling, grape face, mj, mercenary, sequel, riverdancer, bubbus, beanbus, baby, buddy, stinkus, poopsmith, mad scientist, juice box, pirate, one-eyed jack, mercer jack, merc (soft c)


Unknown said...

Mercenary was mine!

Mercer Jackson said...

and i thank you for it. pop won't stop calling me mercenary.

Unknown said...

A few from Grandma and Grandpa; boo-boo, my baby, sweetie-boy, little boy, mercerized.

ginger said...

Action Jackson, The Mercmeister, MJ, handsome dude, The kid. (like in; "how's the kid?", Papa Schroeder says all the time)and the list keeps growing.