Mercer has finally been getting into dinosaurs lately, so we took him to the American Museum of Natural History today. We wanted him to see the dinosaur bones and how big the former Earth-dwellers actually were. We think he enjoyed it. He liked running around pressing buttons on all of the interactive computers, for sure.
The dinosaur bones in the lobby were amazing and we hadn't even bought tickets yet!
Hey, Mercer is wearing Dad's hat!!

We enjoyed a few of the dusty displays before moving up to the 4th floor, where all of the dinosaurs are now housed.

"Triceratops" means "three-horned face!"

After the dinosaurs, we wanted to show Mercer a movie at the big planetarium. He was skeptical, and once the movie started, he hated every second of it. For most of the audience, the movie was an amazing exploration into our galaxy and how stars are formed. But Mercer actually thought we blasted off into space and was whimpering the whole time, worried about our safe return flight home. Cute. We told him to close his eyes, but no matter how much he whimpered, he couldn't take his eyes off the show, either. Good stuff.

We had worked up an appetite. And since we love torturing ourselves, we stopped into Shake Shack for some burgers, dogs, shakes, and concretes. Mercer's favorite part of the day.
Look at the line for this place. Ridiculous.