About four or five times a week, Mercer and Pop find themselves at the local park. We're really spoiled to have such a cool place to explore so close to our house, and it's upsetting to think that we'll eventually have to move away.
In the meantime, Mercer and Pop get to do all sorts of cool things together, like:
> race at full speed down the street to the park
> play soccer
> flip over giant rocks to look at ants, worms, and other bugs
> climb up big hills, using tree roots and rocks as footholds
> jump on and over old benches made of brick and slate
> watch the commuter trains from New York and upstate roar by
> play with all of the local dogs that pass through
> jump off of stone walls
> race
> play hide-and-seek, using trees, giant rocks, and bushes as cover
> throw rocks over the railroad tracks and into the Hudson
> kick the soccer ball up the jagged hill and try to guess where it will come down (a la "Plinko")
> throw Mercer high into the air, hoping Pop's back doesn't give out
> twist our ankles doing helicopter spins off of rocks
> race up and down the big stairs
> throw rocks into pools of rainwater
> explore mysterious caves
> relax on benches while watching the sun set